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The paralax effect for the header is made up of 6 svg layers. Check it out in real time on the website.

Lisa, from Studio With, created this fantastic website for Karman+. A company working on identifying asteroids suitable for possible future mining trough their image processing and machine learning system.

For their website I've illustrated a parallaxing svg header, a vector based web-animation with 
Lottie and a handful of separate illustrations.
Check out the finished website at

I don't usually focus on website content, but I've seen more and more interest in animated elements for websites and apps, so will definitely explore this more in the future!

The animation for this segment is rendered out as a json file with Lottie. It is a vector based and fully dynamic website element.


Two svg illustrations to match the rest of the website. More teammembers will follow as their company continues to grow.

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